Converting Stock Portfolios The first step to converting a stock portfolio is to create the appropriate report. Select the Analyze Open Positions from the hierarchical Invest menu in the Report menu. Create a report as shown in the following figure (you may enter the approrpiate dates). Make sure you have selected Disk (tabs) to create the tab delimited report.   Start MYM2QIF and click Convert a File. Select Portfolio as the Account type and enter a name in the edit field (the name is unimportant for portfolios) in the Information window. MYM2QIF also ignores the Memo import select. Click Start Conversion to convert your file. Select your MYM report file from the file dialog and then enter a name for your QIF file.   Importing Portfolios into Quicken After you finishing converting your file, quite MYM2QIF and start Quicken. If you have not created a portfolio, create a new portfolio. Open the portfolio. Now, select Import from the File menu. Select your QIF file and Quicken will import your transactions. If there is a commission for the transaction, then the transaction is converted as a BUY action. If there is no commission, then transaction is converted as MOVE SHARES IN action. Importing into Managing Your Money The Windows version of Managing Your Money may not import all of your portfolio data from the QIF file.